Thursday, January 24, 2013

Energy Drink Evaluation

Sunday, January 13, 2013, Mario Rentas and I explored a new way to be all energized. This way showed us how to become more alert and able to with stand the cold when we were playing catch outside. These four energy drinks were evaluated by taste, prices, sugars, calories, and heart rate. We rated the taste with a chart of 1 through 5. You can view a video of one of the energy drinks that we tasted.

Prices per 16 oz.

Monster- $2.69

Red Bull- $3.99

Venom- $2.39

Nos- $2.50

Taste Ratings per 8 oz 

1 being the worst and 5 being the best


Monster     1  2  3  4  5

Red Bull    1  2  3  4  5

Venom     1  2  3  4  5

Nos         1  2  3  4  5


Monster    1  2  3  4  5
Red Bull    1  2  3  4  5
Venom     1  2  3  4  5
Nos         1  2  3  4  5

After Mario and I measured 8 oz in two classes we tasted them and rated them and that is what we came up with. Before we drank them we looked on the can to see how much sugar and calories where contained in these energy drinks per 8 oz.

Sugar (grams)

Monster- 27g

Red Bull- 26g

Nos- 27g

Venom- 26.5g


Monster- 100

Red Bull- 110

Nos- 105

Venom- 120

Affect of Energy

After we were all done with our evaluation we had a little left over in each can so we took the access of each drink and put them in to one small cup and drank it. Surprisingly it tasted better then most of the drinks that we tested. After we were done drinking all 32 oz of energy we went outside to play catch with the football in the freezing cold. I was in shorts while Mario was in pants and a t-shirt. When we started playing catch we weren't cold at all but I remember being super focused and I felt my heart was racing. After that moment I knew that the energy was kicking in.

 When we decided to go back in and just chill and watch the football games I couldn't seem to sit down and stay still. I know I can be hyper at times but I knew it wasn't just my body doing this; the energy drinks had an effect on me.

The way I can figured that out is because I can sit in front of a television for hours before getting up. Later that day I went to church with my friend Dyllon Goyette. When we were sitting in mass my leg could not stop shaking and I didn't realize that it was shaking, until Dyllon asked me, "What’s wrong dude?" I looked at him and said, "nothing why?" then he told me that my leg is shaking and I looked down and I saw that it was shaking. That has never happened to me before and the only explanation was because I drank 32 oz of energy and that is the most I had in one day. On the bright side I focused in more on what the priest was saying that night.

 After church I went home to find that dinner was left on the table and I swear I could have ate the whole thing, but I knew that everyone else in my family still had to eat. So I ended up having a couple of pieces before I went to the basement to do my homework. When I started my homework I found my self so focused on completing all my homework. For the first time of my life I finished it all and I didn't have to worry about doing it when I am in classes at school. I was amazed by what I can do when I'm all energized.

It was so strange when it happened because I never do my homework and when I did without stopping it made me realize that if I do my homework all the time my grades would be better. When that was all done it was about 8:45 at night and I was getting super tired, so I went up stair to lie in bed. When I laid down, I felt so comfortable and I knew that I was crashing from my 32 oz energy buzz. The last time I looked at the clock it was 9 p.m and that was probably when I fell asleep. I was so tired on my crash from the energy and the four hours of sleep I had the night before. I was so exhausted when I went to bed; I was so glad that I fell asleep early because that was the best sleep I had in a long time.

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